
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th

Wednesday, January 16th

What another beautiful day!  I cannot believe that it's almost 70 degrees here on the island.  A perfect day to explore my new surrounds and adoptive home.

And that I did!

I started my adventure by visiting the Ocracoke Light House.  This 215 year old light house is not open to the public.  The very top of it consists of a one man hatch for the light house keeper to come in and out of it.

After a trip to the light house, we went to Springer's Point.  The home of Blackbeard and where he was beheaded.  Also the home to some very amazing scenes along the island.  I'm so glad places like this are protected!

After the trip to Springer's Point, we visited the Pony Pen that houses the wild houses of the island.  Then we took a beach walk.  

We ended the day planning for our share fair tomorrow AND I had the best cup of ripe strawberries!

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