
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tuesday, January 15th

Tuesday, January 15th

This morning I went for a job around Ocracoke Island.  It was about 6 am and the weather was perfect!  I will never forget jogging down highway 12 and passing so many coves full of ships.  So many locals passing me on golf carts and wishing me a good morning.

The weather was almost perfect this morning and it continued throughout the day!

After our afternoon activities we got a chance to visit the #1 Beach in the United States.  Growing up on the Outer Banks I was so surprised how different it was compared to where I'm from.  Beaches that were so clean and covered in cannon ball jelly fish.

I actually got to touch one with my finger!  It was mighty .... jelly feeling.

 Ocracoke is infamous for it's pirates!  It was the famous spot for Blackbeard due to it's difficulty navigating around the island.  Blackbeard resided on Springer's Point and was beheaded there.  His head was taken to Bath, NC while his body is unknown.  Many believe that his ghost still wonders there....

 This is one of the first facial photos of me from my -80 pound lost.  =)

 Voted the number one beach in the United States.  So beautiful!

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