Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pinterest Hair Care

So, sometimes I think I have horrible hair.  It's long, thick, and wavy.  It's often frizzy or if using the wrong shampoo, greasy 

I came across this pinterst post about using Cocoa nut oil in your hair to make it soft and manageable.  I wanted to learn more tricks about my hair and decided to do it.

What You'll Need:

Cocoa Nut Oil
Shower Cap
Blow Dryer (Optional)
Hair Clip

Start by finding cocoa nut oil at your local grocery store.  You can find it down the cooking isle next to the other oils you can use for cooking/baking.  I would highly recommending finding an Extra Virgin kind because the regular has too much grease. 

After you purchase the cocoa nut oil, you will use your hands to scoop  it out and apply it to your hair.  Flip your hair upside and and make sure it's completely saturated.  

Once your hair is completely covered, twist it up in a bun and set it in place with a clip.  Wrap your bun up in a shower cap.  This will allow the oil to moisturizer your hair.  You have two options here.

1.  Apply Heat.  You can apply a hair dryer to your shower cap and cut the air time down to 15 minutes.

2.  No Heat:  You can choose not to apply heat but you need to wait 30 minutes before you wash it out.

A fast rinse in the sink with my normal shampoo and conditioner treatment, really made my hair noticeable soft.  However, because I did not use the extra virgin cocoa nut oil, it made my hair really greasy.  So I decided to wash my hair out one more time.

The second wash worked like a charm!  My hair was so soft and light, it was really an amazing feeling for my hair!  I'd highly recommend anyone trying this.  Only with extra virgin of course.

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