Sunday, February 10, 2013

Low Carbin' It

Fit nicely into my diet today!  Score one for Harris Teeter!

Lazy Sunday

I love lazy Sundays.  I went to my favorite place for breakfast this morning and got the usual.  The Hungry Farmer with two scrambled eggs with two links turkey sausage, two pancakes and hash browns!  The hell with my diet right?  Did I mention the home made butter syrup?

I'm getting really excited about my move.  I think it's going to be a fantastic experience and I'm trying not to let the change get me down.  I know this is a good change.  FINALLY away from the boonies and into a place that seems like the smallest city in the world.

Today I sat down for a second and actually thought of the top 10 reasons why I'm so excited about this move.

10. Kayak - This is one of my goals for the summer!  I want a Kayak to explore and go on adventures with. Now to start finding one...
9.  Neighbors.  - I'm so excited to have neighbors!  I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on my block.
8.  Public Library - They library always has the coolest things going on.  American Sign Language Basics? Yes, please.  
7. The Civic Theater - I really miss going to plays and I'm so mad that I'm missing Jazz right now!
6.  Mumfest - I know it's only once a year, but how cool is it to walk to a fair?
5.  Photography.  I had such a great time in Ocracoke taking photos that I'm excited to be able to live in an historic town.  I started scouting places now to take photos.  I'm glad I'm moving in when the flowers are about to bloom.  I cannot wait to get amazing flower images.  =)
4. Exercise.  - FINALLY!  Living out in the boonies it's hard to get exercise in when the nearest gym is 40 minutes away.  Talk about un-motivating.  When I move I will get to jog around a beautiful community, walk my dog regularly, and even join a dance studio for zumba!
3.  Beautiful House.  - The new rental is BEAUTIFUL!  100+ year old home that has been changed to a duplex is just my style.  Living in Greenville for so many years I have a lot of experience with duplexes.  Being around everything out rides the noise.
2.  Night Life.  - Pity this is the time of my life that I'm losing weight and eating better.  Especially because I'm moving to an area that is mostly restaurants, fudge and Ice cream shops!
1.  Dog.  Unfortunately I've made the adult decision (boo) to wait to get my little fuzz until summer vacation, so I can actually have time to spend with it and train it.  Spending 8 hours in a kennel does not seem like good times to me.  I love my pup more than that!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I decided to start a new instagram account.  Please feel free to add me....

Pinterest Hair Care

So, sometimes I think I have horrible hair.  It's long, thick, and wavy.  It's often frizzy or if using the wrong shampoo, greasy 

I came across this pinterst post about using Cocoa nut oil in your hair to make it soft and manageable.  I wanted to learn more tricks about my hair and decided to do it.

What You'll Need:

Cocoa Nut Oil
Shower Cap
Blow Dryer (Optional)
Hair Clip

Start by finding cocoa nut oil at your local grocery store.  You can find it down the cooking isle next to the other oils you can use for cooking/baking.  I would highly recommending finding an Extra Virgin kind because the regular has too much grease. 

After you purchase the cocoa nut oil, you will use your hands to scoop  it out and apply it to your hair.  Flip your hair upside and and make sure it's completely saturated.  

Once your hair is completely covered, twist it up in a bun and set it in place with a clip.  Wrap your bun up in a shower cap.  This will allow the oil to moisturizer your hair.  You have two options here.

1.  Apply Heat.  You can apply a hair dryer to your shower cap and cut the air time down to 15 minutes.

2.  No Heat:  You can choose not to apply heat but you need to wait 30 minutes before you wash it out.

A fast rinse in the sink with my normal shampoo and conditioner treatment, really made my hair noticeable soft.  However, because I did not use the extra virgin cocoa nut oil, it made my hair really greasy.  So I decided to wash my hair out one more time.

The second wash worked like a charm!  My hair was so soft and light, it was really an amazing feeling for my hair!  I'd highly recommend anyone trying this.  Only with extra virgin of course.

-84 Pounds

For the past nine months I've been trying to change my life and lose weight.  In April on 2012 I found out that I had insulin resistance and my doctor put me on a low carb diet.  With my low cab diet I stick to a stick 15 carb to 7 protein ratio.  THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN AMAZING!  I lost 10 pounds a month for 8 month.  This last month I haven't lost anything weight.  I've been busying keeping my current weight.  Which is a huge accomplishment in my books.

My future goals?  Because I move this weekend I will be able to jog and attend a gym/dance classes.  I am also starting the 30 day shred tomorrow.  I am very optimistic about moving to my new place.  I'm so ready for warm weather to start water aerobics too.

Personally I'd like to lose about 30 ish pounds.  I started my weight loss journey at 256 pounds and made it to a 171.  I would love to be 145 pounds but I plan on doing strength training to tone and to bring that weight up.  Really, my over all goal is to be healthy. I'm at a really good point in my life.  =)

Friday, January 18th

Friday, January 18th

Today we leave the island!  We got out at 9:30 and had a chance to explore the little village.  Most of the shops were closed but we did get to hit a few little nik nak shops.  On the way home I got to read 75% of a book called "Twenty Boy Summer" by Sarah Ockler.  I wanted a young teen/adult novel that had a love vibe.  No, I am not interested in books like Twilight  but I do enjoy a good love story.  Thus why my favorite movie of all time is....The Princess Bride!

A few weeks before I left for Ocracoke Island, I came across a show called "Show the States got their shapes."  On one of the episodes it discussed the dialect of Ocracoke island.  I was so excited to discover this work chart for local slang.  =)

Came across some of these babies in one of the local shops.  You could have a bit of history for $200!  I did pick up some awesome t-shirts (size medium for the FIRST TIME EVER!) and a necklace.

I LOVED my stay at Ocracoke and it really taught me about the island lifestyle.  Not being in the rush to get anywhere and enjoying the moment.  This trip has really taught me a lot about my lesson planning for school. I feel more organized and ready to take on the new semester!

Thursday, January 17th

Thursday, January 17th

The share fair went great!  I was so nervous and I felt like I fumbled through a lot of my presentation.  When I was in high school I was such a shy person.  If you would have told me 10 years ago that I'd be infront of groups of 30+ giving presentations, I'd drop dead on the spot!  But no.  I'm not the greatest public speaker but I'm learning.  And being able to record my lectures and present it to students really helps me work on my skills.  

After the share fair we went on a very COLD and WINDY adventure on the beach.  We went 4x4 to another point on the island.  The weather had drastically changed and I was freezing to death!  I don't remember ever being that cold in my life.

Wednesday, January 16th

Wednesday, January 16th

What another beautiful day!  I cannot believe that it's almost 70 degrees here on the island.  A perfect day to explore my new surrounds and adoptive home.

And that I did!

I started my adventure by visiting the Ocracoke Light House.  This 215 year old light house is not open to the public.  The very top of it consists of a one man hatch for the light house keeper to come in and out of it.

After a trip to the light house, we went to Springer's Point.  The home of Blackbeard and where he was beheaded.  Also the home to some very amazing scenes along the island.  I'm so glad places like this are protected!

After the trip to Springer's Point, we visited the Pony Pen that houses the wild houses of the island.  Then we took a beach walk.  

We ended the day planning for our share fair tomorrow AND I had the best cup of ripe strawberries!

Tuesday, January 15th

Tuesday, January 15th

This morning I went for a job around Ocracoke Island.  It was about 6 am and the weather was perfect!  I will never forget jogging down highway 12 and passing so many coves full of ships.  So many locals passing me on golf carts and wishing me a good morning.

The weather was almost perfect this morning and it continued throughout the day!

After our afternoon activities we got a chance to visit the #1 Beach in the United States.  Growing up on the Outer Banks I was so surprised how different it was compared to where I'm from.  Beaches that were so clean and covered in cannon ball jelly fish.

I actually got to touch one with my finger!  It was mighty .... jelly feeling.

 Ocracoke is infamous for it's pirates!  It was the famous spot for Blackbeard due to it's difficulty navigating around the island.  Blackbeard resided on Springer's Point and was beheaded there.  His head was taken to Bath, NC while his body is unknown.  Many believe that his ghost still wonders there....

 This is one of the first facial photos of me from my -80 pound lost.  =)

 Voted the number one beach in the United States.  So beautiful!